Looking For Answers To Help Overcome Your Health Challenges?

An Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code session makes it possible to identify and remove unconscious energy blocks allowing you to live a more happy and healthy life.

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Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired?

We understand what it's like to feel like there is no way forward and nobody can give you the right answers. You may constantly be feeling powerless and defeated at times, but you know deep down inside there is a way you can overcome the health challanges and get your life back on track.

We also get that you've likely tried many different things, some conventional and others not so conventional and some may have offered short term solutions, but you still feel like you end up back where you started.

We believe you shouldn't have to feel like every day is a struggle.

With the help of The Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code combined with our intuitive skills we've helped hundreds of clients make key breakthroughs in their life, allowing them to move forward in their life and get back to doing the things they love, so that life can be fun and rewarding again.

Our Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code Session process

Step 1 - Assessment and Planning

This step is key. After you purchase a session package with us, your chosen practitioner will send you our client intake form to complete.

From this feedback, we'll be able to start to identify the best way on how to help you move forward based on the information you give us.

Step 2 - Getting Answers and Clearing Blocks!

Using The Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code, muscle testing and our unique intuitive abilities we are able to get answers directly from your subconscious mind.

We identify energy imbalances trapped in the body, as well as potential destructive patterns that may be causing you to feel stuck.

Step 3 - Moving Forward

With each energy imbalance released we are clearing the path ahead for you to move forward.

This helps create the right environment for your mind, body and spirit to thrive, allowing you to get back to doing the things you love.

Stories from people like you that we've helped

I have been working with Amy for several months to release many and varied trapped emotions. As more and more trapped emotions have been released my mental and physical health has continued to improve. I now feel more positive, mentally balanced and less burdened. The chronic back pain I have been experiencing for many years is now occurring less often with milder intensity.

I have faith in the Emotion Code and have no hesitation in recommending Amy and Core Healing to anyone who is open to alternative holistic practices.

I am eternally grateful to Amy and Core Healing for the help I have received in improving my quality of life.


If only I had discovered the Emotion Code years ago. We had tried so many avenues to help our young child with anxiety, and nothing was helping.

We had heard of the Emotion/ Body Code and reached out to Amy when we found her website. She has been amazing for our family, and we have seen such amazing results in our child's anxiety levels.

We as a family have started doing sessions and have felt so many benefits for all of us. It is amazing how accurate the sessions are. I cannot thank Amy enough for her amazing work in helping us. I would highly recommend anyone try this amazing modality of healing.


I would highly recommend Matthew if you have emotional blocks that other therapies just haven't shifted. Very professional and a great experience all round. Thank you!


Amy has helped me immensely dealing with some past issues & getting rid of emotions I’ve been carrying around.

Most emotions I didn’t even know were there but once she got rid of them I felt so light, almost instantly! I normally get quite bad afternoon headaches from work and haven’t had any since our first session together.

Amy is brilliant, professional, dedicated and kind! The sessions you can do remotely which I think is a great option for people, plus she films the session so you can watch later!!

Everyone should have a session with Core Healing - you will feel amazing and won’t regret it! I can’t thank Amy enough for the sessions we had together.


Amy has been fantastic and I have learnt so much from her about myself and in such a professional and caring way. I can feel the benefits and will purchase more sessions as worthwhile to my overall well being.

Amy has unearthed some issues I knew I had experienced but thought I dealt with them. My body and subconscious disagreed. Thanks Amy.


I cannot rate these guys highly enough. As someone who has suffered from severe anxiety over the past few years and tried many different treatments, I can honestly say that Core Healing gets results.

Far too often in the western world, our mental health system fails to get to the core of people's problems and help them overcome suffering.

These guys help you overcome emotions, pain and suffering that your subconscious has held onto for a very long time. Healing is possible and it starts with Core Healing.


'My ‘Body Coding’ experience with Amy was incredible. Amy was always extremely professional, the tone of her voice being very calm and caring.

Having my sessions recorded meant that I was able to self-pace, pause and read more into the areas that Amy felt my body was currently lacking in, which gave a firmer understanding of why I may be feeling a certain way. After my first session in particular, I experienced a very light, freeing sort of sensation in my body which was amazing.


Finding the root cause of my health is how Core Healing has helped me to overcome anxiety, panic attacks, eating difficulties, and suicidal thoughts.

Further, their work finding and releasing trapped emotions has helped me to overcome childhood traumas and social fears in a way that I hadn't even hopped for.

It is worth trying something unconventional when the conventional methods don't have an answers.


About Us

Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioners

The 3 Steps To start working with us

Step 1 - Choose Your Package

Whether you are looking to looking to dip you toe in the water or commit to full transformation, we have a package to suit.

Buy A Session Package

Step 2 - Tell Us More About You

We'll send you our Client Intake Form to complete so we can learn more about you and the issues you would like us to work on in the sessions.

Buy A Session Package

Step 3 - We Help You Feel Better!

We complete the Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code session/s for you. Once we're done you'll be sent a recording and notes from each session. All correspondence is via email.

Buy A Session Package

The Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code MAY HELP YOU...

Ease Mental Discomfort

You may feel relief from sadness, anxiousness, anger, worry, guilt, grief and fear.

Ease Physical Discomfort

You may feel relief from physical symptoms such as muscle tension, digestive troubles, fatigue and nausea.

Improve Love, Relationships and Success

You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect. You may experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity.

What is a Trapped Emotion?

When we go through challenging times, experience deeply emotional situations, or make a habit of suppressing or shutting down our emotions, our body can trap the energy of these emotions. We refer to these as Trapped Emotions.

Trapped Emotions often build up over time, creating what feels like heavy emotional baggage, which can weigh us down and stop us from moving forward in life.

This heavy energy also starts to block the natural flow of life force energy, which can start to trigger symptoms of physical, mental and emotional issues.

For some people there has been known trauma and for others they can’t quite put their finger on what might be fueling their emotional wellbeing.

It is estimated that the average person has over 300 Trapped Emotions, but some people can have many more depending on their life experiences.

Some common examples of situations where people often Trap Emotions include: a distressing birth process, abuse from other people (often parents, caregivers, partners or friends. This can be physical, verbal or silent abuse), bullying at school, moving house or school, loss of loved ones, parents break up, relationship break ups, career failures, witnessing a disturbing event, or simply being ignored, rejected or abandoned by others.

We can trap emotions any time we don't process our emotions properly, no matter how big or small you feel the situation is. Just thinking about an event, situation or person can also produce an emotional response that results in an emotion becoming trapped.

Have you ever felt that some of the emotional baggage that you carry doesn't belong to you? Trapped Emotions can also be inherited from your parents and/or ancestors, stemming from difficult situations and trauma they experienced. If your mother experienced a challenging pregnancy with you, you can trap emotions whilst inside the womb (prenatal). You can also absorb trapped emotions from other people if they are going through a significant emotional experience (individuals who don’t protect their own energy can be vulnerable to absorbing the emotional energy of other people).

Who An Emotion Code, Body Code or Belief Code Session Can benefit

∙ People wanting to create a better life for themselves but feel stuck or blocked from moving forward.

∙ People who are suffering from health issues but are struggling to find answers from traditional modalities.

∙ People who are easily triggered emotionally by other people, situations or events and want to get back control of their emotions.

∙ People who want to have a greater awareness of how their emotions are effecting their current life.

∙ People who have often suppressed or avoided feeling their emotions in the past.

From our experience Trapped Emotions can be the root cause of many physical and mental health issues, and why many people feel stuck trying to make forward progress in their life.

The Emotion Code can help uncover and release both conscious and unconscious suppressed emotions, as well as any generational and pre-natal emotions. 

Many people believe that seeing a therapist or doctor is their only option, but our packages make it possible to clear the emotional clutter and heaviness that is weighing you down, without the need to talk about and re-live your past, or attend an appointment. 

Our convenient session structure allows you to get the support you need so you can start living a happy and healthy life again.

Click here for more information and an example of how our unique session structure works.

"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your emotions." Tony Robbins

Buy An Emotion Code Session Package

Our Modalities

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code® is an energy healing technique used to discover and release possible underlying energetic causes of mental, emotional, and physical issues. The Emotion Code® helps to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events, from our energy field.

We believe trapped emotions can contribute to mental and physical health issues.

The Body Code

The Body Code™ is a patented energy balancing system intended to help you uncover the root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in the body and spirit. 

The Body Code is built on the premise that true health comes from being balanced in 6 different ways. It is our premise that imbalance is at the root of all of our problems - mental, emotional and physical. 

The Body Code may help you identify and correct imbalances that are potentially contributing to your issue. The Body Code is about creating the right environment for your body and removing the things that are throwing off your body’s balance.

The Belief Code

The Belief Code® is an energy healing system used to help uncover and remove negative, disempowering and limiting subconscious beliefs systems.

Used in conjunction with the Emotion Code and Body Code, we can remove the subconscious energies and beliefs that may be sabotaging you living from your best life.

Removing these negative belief systems creates extra space for new empowering beliefs, allowing you to reprogram your mind, sometimes dramatically changing your outlook on life and what you are attracting into your life experience.

Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code Session Packages

"Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots." Rumi

The first thing we need to understand is that the driving force behind everything in life is ENERGY.

Absolutely everything in this world is made of energy. The chair you sit on, a desk, a car, lightning, the wind, music, the food you eat, everything is energy.

We live in such a physical world that it’s easy to forget that we are surrounded by energy every single day. If we can’t see it, it can sometimes be hard to comprehend. We have an invisible energy that makes up who we are. Just like other invisible forces such as gravity, radiation and electromagnetic energy, we have an invisible force that runs through our body. Ancient cultures call this Life Force Energy, Prana, Qi and Chi or spirit.   

When we feel different emotions, such as anger, panic, overwhelm, joy, we feel it in our body. Emotions are energy in motion. Every emotion we feel is evidence of the energy we have inside us. We can have positive emotional responses that bring a smile to our face or a warm fuzzy feeling inside. When we experience a negative emotional response we might feel sick in the pit of our stomach, we might have so much rage boiling inside us that our muscles become tense, we might feel like our heart is pounding out of our chest or we can feel like we’re paralysed.

Human emotion moves us to action. It determines what we do and don’t do, if we react or respond, if we stay stuck or create change. Human emotion can impact every aspect of your life. Our minds are fuelled by emotion. Emotions can start fights, create peace, make you fall in love, get divorced, make you connect with others or disengage.

As humans we are wired for survival. We store emotional data from all our experiences to help keep us safe in the future. Emotions are a normal part of our human experience but if emotions are shut down, silenced, buried or avoided they can become trapped in the body. When negative emotional energy is trapped in our body it will show up in our lives as mental, emotional and physical issues. Emotionally charged events from the past may impact how you think, the choices you make, the quality of your relationships and the level of success you are able to achieve.

Understanding our emotions, navigating life and modelling this to our children can be hard. Especially when the majority of people were never shown as children how to deal with and process our emotions. We continue to move through life following the same patterns wondering why we can’t make lasting change, wondering why our children feel the way they do and sometimes feeling helpless to help them or ourselves.


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